Oxford Karate Academy and Oxon Karate Club are delighted to host a Seiwakai England National Seminar on 11-12 May 2024. There will be separate sessions for children/kyu grades and advanced brown and black belt students. Members of other goju ryu groups are welcome. Further information to follow or contact info@oxfordkarateacademy.com for more details.
Tag: karate
Berinsfield Friday Night Training
Please note that training on Friday night in Berinsfield will now be at the Berry Youth Centre, next door to the main Sports Centre. As the hall is smaller, beginners (white to red belt) will train from 6.30-7.30pm and higher grades (green upwards) from 7.30-8.30. There will be a separate brown and black belt class
Classes with Ben Craft Kyoshi
Visits from Ben Craft Kyoshi On Friday 10 November 2023 and Friday 17 November 2023 we were privileged to be visited by Ben Craft Kyoshi (7th Dan) of the EGKF, for two incredibly informative and practical classes focusing on karate jutsu (Shihan Ben talked about the difference between Karate Jutsu and Karate Do). Shihan Ben
Seiwakai Seminar in West London
Seiwakai West London Seminar with Gurmit Singh Shihan, 28 October 2023 On Saturday 28 October 2023 Sensei Hkanhpa and a group of students from Oxford Karate Academy and Oxon Karate Club attended the Seiwakai West London Seminar with Gurmit Singh Shihan. We were very impressed with Gurmit Shihan’s emphasis on movement and biomechanics, and especially
Seiwakai Seminar in Sesimbra
Seiwakai – Europe Goju-Ryu karatedo, European Seminar & 1st European championship Sensei Joe and a group of students from Oxford Karate Academy and our sister dojo, Oxon Karate Club attended the Seiwakai European Seminar & 1st European Championship in Sesimbra, Portugal. After an eventful journey, involving two failed attempts to land the plane at Lisbon,